Hilton Becker, MD, F.A.C.S, F.R.C.S
Hilton Becker, MD, F.A.C.S, F.R.C.S
670 Glades Road, Suite 220
Boca Raton, Florida 33431

(561)- 394-6656

Dr. Becker is located in Boca Raton, Florida. His practice is a proud member of the American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities (AAAASF). All procedures are performed under local anesthetics with sedation. General anesthesia procedures are performed at Boca Raton Community Hospital or the Boca Raton Surgery and Laser Center.

Dr. Becker is internationally recognized for his expertise in the following areas:

1. The Becker Adjustable Breast Implant

Dr. Becker is the developer of the adjustable breast implant including the Mentor Becker implant, Spectrum implant, and the new adjustable gel Spectra implant.

Adjustable implants are used for:
Breast Reconstruction

Dr. Becker is the pioneer of the one stage scarless breast reconstruction. This procedure is performed at the same time as the mastectomy. Patients often look better after their reconstruction than before, particularly in patients undergoing prophylactic mastectomy where skin sparing, areolar sparing or nipple sparing mastectomy is performed.
Breast Augmentation

His preference for routine breast augmentation is the use of the Moderate Profile Plus Smooth Round Cohesive Gel Implant. The Trans-Axillary incision is preferred as there are no scars on the breast. Implants are usually placed above muscle but beneath the fascia (the outer lining of the muscle.)

Saline implants are placed beneath the muscle. Dr. Becker prefers to use the adjustable saline (Spectrum) as the volume can be changed after surgery.
2. The Virtually Scarless Breast Lift - pioneered and developed by Dr Becker

Dr. Becker is the pioneer of the sub-areolar or minimal scar breast lift. Due to the fact that the scars are barely noticable it is referred to as the invisible scar breast lift. The technique is used to treat sagging (Ptosis) of the Breast. The sub-areolar technique is an enhanced form of the circum-areolar technique. Dr. Becker has published extensively on this procedure. He teaches it at National Plastic Surgery meetings and demonstrates his technique internationally. Article
3. Facial Rejuvenation

Dr. Becker is a pioneer in the endoscopic forehead lift having published his technique in the Aesthetic Surgery Journal. He also lectures and teaches the techniques of injecting a calcium material (Radiesse) to enhance Facial Features, eg. Cheecks, chin and nose (Non-Surgical Correction of Nasal deformities) without surgery. .
4. The Becker Liposuction Cannula – used in combination with new VASER liposuction system

Dr. Becker has developed several unique liposuction cannulas used world wide. He has published articles on Treatment of Gynecomastia (Male Breast Reduction), Breast Reduction and Techniques for Enhancing Skin Contraction with liposuction. Dr. Becker also adds the new Vaster to his liposuction techniques today. Dr. Becker uses tumescent technique with his liposuction procedure

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