Bosshardt and Marzek Plastic Surgery Center
Bosshardt and Marzek Plastic Surgery Center
1879 Nightingale Ln.
Suite A-2
Tavares, Fl. 32778
Phone: (352) 742-0079
Fax: (352) 742-0059
World class physicians should have a world class facility to work in. Our offices have a fully equipped and accredited Ambulatory Surgical Center. Our patients can come to the office to have their procedures performed and be back home by the end of the day.
Our beautiful facility overlooks the water in beautiful Tavares, Florida. This building is a beacon to modern medical office space and is known as the Lakeside Medical Building.
Our professional offices and Ambulatory Surgery Center encompass nearly the entire lower level of this multimillion dollar facility. You can't miss it from State Road 441. We're on the opposite side of the road from the beautiful new Florida Hospital Waterman.
The Waiting Room
Our waiting room welcomes you through our front door. It is decorated in an "ocean motif," representing the love that both of our doctors share for the sea. You will be greeted by a smiling receptionist, eager to assist you.
Cosmetic Waiting Area
Our Cosmetic Waiting Area allows families of patients a private, comfortable arena to pass the time while awaiting the completion of surgery and recovery of a loved one or friend. Postoperative cosmetic patients enjoy the privacy of this area when they come back for follow-ups, as well.
Minor Surgery Room
In our Minor Surgery Room, patients undergo minor surgeries and procedures (facial peels, laser treatments, and others). Light sedation may be used.
Ambulatory Surgical Center
In our state-certified Ambulatory Surgical Center (ASC), located on premises, only state-of-the-art equipment is found. We are the only plastic surgery group in all of central Florida which houses a state-certified ASC on site. The Miami fans are still outnumbered by the FSU supporters, however. Note the hats!
