Montgomery Eye Center
Montgomery Eye Center
700 Neapolitan Way
Naples, FL 34103
Phone: 239.261.8383
Fax: 239.261.8443
Aesthetic Services - Cosmetic Surgery
The Aesthetic Center at Montgomery Eye Center is guided by the same principles that have made Montgomery Eye Center the premier eye center in Southwest Florida. That is, the absolute finest in care using the latest proven technology in a caring atmosphere. However, where Montgomery Eye Center is dedicated to making you see your world better, the Aesthetic Center at Montgomery Eye Center is dedicated to making you look and feel wonderful.
The Aesthetic Center includes both surgical and non surgical procedures to improve your appearance. Our services include physician directed skin care procedures and a whole range of state of the art surgical procedures. Following are two of our most common procedures which can be done alone or at the same time. Many patients also choose to add one or more cosmetic procedures to a medically necessary reconstructive procedure done by Dr. Berlie. Be sure to ask your physician if any of these procedures are right for you.
This procedure, more than anything else, could be considered Dr. Berlie’s specialty. Over time, the skin above the upper eyelids tends to droop. This often leads to the person looking tired, old or even angry. In more extreme cases, it can even block a significant amount of vision. The solution for this is upper lid blepharoplasty. In this procedure, the physician makes incisions in the natural contours and lines in the upper eyelids with a laser. Excess skin and fat is removed and the incisions are closed with fine sutures. Because the incisions are made in the eyes' natural contours, they are barely visible and will fade over time. And because Dr. Berlie uses a laser to make the incisions, bleeding is controlled and healing time is reduced. Some patients may have excess fat below their eyes which contributes to a sad or tired look. In this case lower lid blepharoplasty is often needed. This procedure is very similar to upper lid blepharoplasty. The laser is used to remove excess fat and skin.
Patients seeking relief from these conditions may often consult a plastic surgeon; however, the structures of the eyelids are very delicate and complex. The goal of a successful blepharoplasty is not only to make the eyes look better, but for the lids to continue to function properly. Dr. Berlie is fellowship trained in plastic surgery of the eyes and has more extensive experience in performing blepharoplasty procedures than several plastic surgeons. Also, as a trained ophthalmologist, he has all the specialized equipment to diagnose and treat any problems that might arise.
Laser skin resurfacing makes it possible to remove a lifetime of sun damage, wrinkles, and blemishes from your skin. In the early nineties the CO2 laser was first developed. Now we have the new generation Erbium lasers, also known as the “cool light" lasers. The healing time is faster and safety improved. The depth of treatment is computer controlled for precise treatment according to each patient's needs.
First, the resurfacing laser will reduce the surface damage caused by sun and aging. With extreme precision the laser can remove epidermal blemishes, age spots, and precancerous lesions.
Second, the upper skin layers are sculpted smooth by the laser. Deeper wrinkles are reduced or eliminated. Acne scars are reduced and re-contoured. In the next four or five days, new skin will grow from cells within the follicles that have never been exposed to the sun's damage. Thus, your skin is literally "renewed.â€
Third, the laser stimulates the growth of healthy new collagen and elastin fibers within the skin. This will continue for six months after resurfacing. During this time the skin will continue to improve. Resilience and elasiticity are restored. Any remaining wrinkles can continue to improve for over six months.
